
I’ve been downsizing for a while, throwing out a few things here and there, donating them, boxing up some things…I’m planning on a move, a big one, eventually…

The thing about downsizing is I don’t like to get rid of things, I really don’t.  Unless they are totally and absolutely useless, broken, or out of date, I don’t want to!  However, then, the practicality of it all comes into play.  Despite the desire to save everything, I will not hoard (except books, I’ll make an exception there).  My parents were both hoarders, I know at least one of my brothers is, I refuse to be.  I do have collections, but even those I par down occasionally.

Well, I came across something that I know I will have to part with, my collection of tapes.  There are very few radios, car or boom boxes (okay, I dated myself on that one), that will even play these anymore.  I’m going to miss my collection though.  Some of these aren’t even available on CD (I know, I’m dating myself on that one too).  I do like owning my own music and those that claim having an account and downloading the latest music is better, are fooling themselves.  You don’t own it unless you own the tape or cd, you are basically borrowing it for life, or until that company goes under, you break your device, and have to figure out where the music is or how to download it again, if you can.  I prefer to have it in hand, on my computer, download it to my phone from my computer, or such.  Unfortunately, the tapes quality aren’t nearly as nice as a clear CD.

Don’t judge by the music, this collection is from the 1980’s!  Sadly, I’m such a nerd, they were even put into alphabetical order…sigh.  Time to move on though, and up!

What do you collect?  Besides books, I collect movies, glass/crystal, and a few things I won’t list here, lol

Collect my books, you may enjoy yourself!


I’m on TELEVISON tonight, tune in

Tonite on Transition Radio TV with K’Anne Meinel Author live at 8 PM EST. the show can be watched on our website at 8 PM EST, or can be seen on demand a few days later.

Video of READINGS by K’Anne Meinel ~ SHIPS CompanionSHIP, FriendSHIP, RelationSHIP

For quite some time I have had people ask for readings of my books.  So here is my first attempt at READINGS with my first Novel SHIPS:

Ships Paperback Cover 3



So sit back, grab some popcorn, and listen to my reading of one of the chapters of my first Novel and one of my favorite ‘scenes’ from the book.  I hope you enjoy it and the pictures I put together for you to enhance the story….

Available in:



images (2)Large Print Paperback



Guest Blog on Sarah Niles!


All About Sarah Niles
What would you do for fifty thousand pounds?
All About Sarah Niles is set to be the first fully crowd-funded lesbian feature film, created and funded by the people who know and love the genre best.
From the author who brought you, The Submissive Scullery Maid, The Dark Cully’s Mistress and many more stories that have reached the top of the best sellers rank on US and UK amazon, delve into Shiralyn J Lee’s big screen adaption of Loving the Pink Kiss.
Growing up in the UK Shiralyn turned her attention to writing novels after she moved to Canada, where she is now married to her wonderful wife, Janice.
From her kitchen table, she has entertained people all over the world. Her tales of steamy sexual erotica make 50 shades of Grey look like a child’s tea party. Included in her work are pieces that are aimed toward the younger generation and this is where All About Sarah Niles fits in.
The film offers an audience the chance to not only watch but also be a fundamental part of its creation. With donations starting from as little as $10 going up to $65,000 (with many steps in between) it really is possible for anyone and everyone to be part of the biggest lesbian film of the decade. From exclusive backstage information to signed copies of the script and even chances to be in the film, there really is something rewarding for everyone.
Fundraising starts on Oct 31st 2013 and will run for three months on the dedicated crowd-funding site, with all money raised going to fund cast, crew and equipment needed to make this film a possibility. So why not treat yourself, or buy someone a holiday gift that really can’t be beaten. You can also help by liking and sharing the indiegogo fundraiser post, together we can get this movie made.
To keep up to date with the film, see exclusive content and find out more on how to donate, ‘Like’ the Facebook page, ‘SarahNilesMovie’ today.
Or for more information, you can email:
Go Watch the video on:1364368782_youtube-logo201


So, I thought, why not. It’s ‘JUST’ a matter of reformatting right?


The amount of work in going from a standard 6″x9″ book to an 8″x11″ was a surprise to me.  I started with my first novel, SHIPS.  It required a lot of work!  Surprising the discoveries too!  For instance, did you know that the typestyle is important to make it clear and concise for the reader.  That made sense to me.  But the font size was the biggest surprise.  It just LEAPS out at you as you read it.  Using the ‘standard’ size and the increase in size of the font the book would have been well over 900 pages!  Instead, I went with a bigger size and still the book was over 500 pages!  As I look at the finished product though I cannot but think how wonderful it looks and I hope those who will buy my novels will appreciate the ‘feel’ of a paperback novel in their hands as well as enjoy a good Romance!

Here is the FIRST novel I ever wrote and NOW available in LARGE PRINT!






