Monitoring Malice ~ Book 23

It’s out!  Get your copy here!

Alice is home and must explain to Kathy why she watched her family go on with their lives and didn’t show herself. 

While she watches her wife being set up by thugs in positions of authority and is forced to witness Kathy’s first foray into dating since being widowed, Alice struggles to control her murderous temper!  She must learn to be patient…very patient.

Come along for the ride as we see things from Alice’s distinct point of view.

Bonus!  Book 24 should be out next week!

Book 24 Marked Malice

Monitoring Malice ~ Book 23

You’ve waited patiently and it’s coming!  Get your copy either on my website (before the actual release) or click on the buttons to order yours!  It will be released world-wide on November 30, 2018!

Monitoring Malice Front Cover

Alice is home and must explain to Kathy why she watched her family go on with their lives and didn’t show herself. 

While she watches her wife being set up by thugs in positions of authority and is forced to witness Kathy’s first foray into dating since being widowed, Alice struggles to control her murderous temper!  She must learn to be patient…very patient.

Come along for the ride as we see things from Alice’s distinct point of view.



Boxed Sets

I  am thrilled to offer my Malice books in boxed sets for those of you who are collecting!

Five Star

June 12, 2016

Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Love the individual stories so much that I am buying the Volumes!!! Love this writer. Well written and hot, well edited books.
ALL of these are contained in these boxed sets!

But the series doesn’t end there, these two are also available:

And, for those of you who are patiently waiting for the next in the series, coming soon!

#23 Monitored Malice


Winners ~Day 10~ FINAL

For the winners of the giveaway!

The last TEN winners of a published story of your choice from my website:

  1. Tinna Webb
  2. Rosie
  3. Erzabet Bishop
  4. Melissa Pannett
  5. Michael Orton
  6. Melanie Tyson Carrier
  7. Mary Rose Cassavant
  8. Lori Rosen
  9. Griz Rodriguez
  10. Gai

Winners will be notified by email!  Congratulations to all 100 winners over these last ten days!  Thank you for entering my fabulous giveaway and participating!  Happy Holidays everyone!

Vetted Again ~ the reviews are in!

Five Star

K’Anne’s books get 5-stars!


November 12, 2018

I loved Vetted Again. What a great follow up in this series. Great to see the Herriott family overcoming adversity and thriving.
Bobbi S.

November 13, 2018

Wonderful Addition to the Herriot story

I waited impatiently for this installment of the vetted series. I was not disappointed.

I hate to say much cause I don’t want to give anything away but these well written characters have once again drawn me into their world and allowed me to feel all of there ups and downs.

Tinna Webb

November 18, 2018

I really liked the entire series, the character’s are awesome from both time periods and I have to say I would like to see another on the vetted side just to know what happened after the fire, even if it’s just a novella. I highly recommend the entire series, it’s great reading.
Carter Steele

November 12, 2018

Wonderful story! Excellent writing! Fey and Allyssa once again pull you into their lives, and you don’t have the will to leave until the last page is turned. You must read this book. No other way to say it.
sharon barnes

November 12, 2018

I have read all three books and loved all of them. I would love to follow this incredible couple through another book.

November 16, 2018

I loved this book and I highly recommend it. I found myself enjoying each book in this series more than the one before it, and it’s hard to say which was my favorite. The author has developed such strong and realistic characters that you can’t help but feel like you know and care deeply about each of them. The childbirth scenes, which I usually hate, were actually really good!

November 12, 2018

I found myself checking the date quite often the last month or so; how long ’til the book would be released? I finally got the download and read non-stop.
The wait was well worth it.


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