Inn the Dog House

Inn the Dog House Front.jpg

Life has gone to the dogs for Charlie Abella.  Years of showing champion Border Collies has left her feeling burned out.  Moving on with her life, she heads to college and then takes on the world of business.  She is blessed to find a job working in sales for the pet industry where her knowledge and skills will help her move quickly up the corporate ladder and away from the small town of Searsport, Maine where she grew up.  When she loses a beloved relative, Charlie returns to Searsport for the funeral, believing now, she can finally cut all ties to her hometown.

Charlie’s only regret about moving away was leaving behind her favorite aunt.  Aunt Kitty had been her champion and her anchor when she felt her own family didn’t understand her.  Kitty saw herself in her young niece and understood Charlie as no one else could, so it was only natural she would choose to make her favorite niece her heir.  Sadly, she knows only too well that Charlie’s family will disapprove no matter how Charlie decides to use the money she inherits.

Reagan has been left on her own to raise two children.  Possessing few business skills, she is forced to take on a series of dead-end jobs that barely allow her to make ends meet.  Reagan has only her faith and her children to provide solace and support.  When Reagan encounters a woman dog walker on the street, she takes some comfort in feeling ‘at least she is better off than a woman with too many dogs to handle.’ 

Inexplicably, fate constantly causes the two women to bump into each other, and when Reagan feels herself becoming attracted to the woman, she is confused.  Unlike Charlie, Reagan is not a lesbian, and she is frightened by her feelings for this woman.  Will Reagan eventually act on her attraction, or will she continue to resist it? 

The dogs know what is right for this couple.  Now, if only the humans would listen!

Get your copy from these links~!

Interview with The Lesbian Talk Show

Please check out this wonderful interview from The Lesbian Talk Show about K’Anne MeinelShadoe Publishing, marketing, the Lesfic Bard Awards, and the Gay Scribe Awards.d-people-yelling-megphone-illustration-two-person-shouting-megaphone-to-another-man-human-person-character-43782668

Cavalcade ~ Audiobook

Pleased to announce that Cavalcade is available on Amazon and Audible and coming soon to iTunes.

cavalcade audio

Molly didn’t know what kind of life to expect when she fell in love with Erin Herriot—her schoolmate, her best friend, and a woman.  She had been grateful for Erin’s friendship when the bank swindled her after selling her parents’ farm and she was invited to live on Erin’s parents’ farm. 

After making the difficult decision to live life as ‘man and wife,’ Molly gladly accepted the challenges before them.  Together, they made the decision to sell Erin’s farm and embark on the journey of a lifetime…on the Oregon Trail.

Erin couldn’t give Molly children; however, she could love her forever.  But leaving the area where they had both grown up and where everyone knew the women was the only way they could be together without questions about the true nature of their relationship. 

Come along on their adventure as two women cross the country, adopt a family, and begin a life that neither had imagined possible growing up in the mid-1800s