One year ago today

One year ago today I wrote this on Facebook:

Spent the afternoon in the ER with a reaction to the booster shot. I went tingly and then numb on my left side. It was like novacaine on my tongue at first but then it went down my arm, my leg, and into my toes. When my left side started hurting and all the other hurts that I’m used to intensified, I started to worry. I called the doctor’s office, no answer. Called Walgreens, they said call the doctor. Called the doctor’s office again, they said go to the ER, not the walk-in. Apparently, they thought I was having a stroke (something that DOES run on the mom’s side of the famdamnly). So, I spent the afternoon hooked up to machines, the numbness got worse, the tingling started on the right side just not as extensively, and then stopped progressing. Slowly it all began to even out but they wanted an MRI. I can no longer do closed MRI’s because my shoulders are too wide (built like a linebacker) and they pinch, so they said they’d get back to me. They left me waiting for HOURS and I rang the nurse, she must have been busy and I really didn’t WANT to bother her, but yoo hoo, did you all forget me? After she came in she said she’d send the doctor who never came back. After another half an hour they said someone would come and they’d do an xray. After another long wait I rang the nurse again and said take all these wires off me and take out the IV, I’m going home. While waiting for her to do that a guy came in FINALLY to take me to xray and I said, nope, I’m going home. He seemed startled and left. I’m not 100% but enough has worn off that I knew they were wasting both our times. Sadly, an hour later I had to go BACK because I left my topaz earrings there along with my nose stud. Sigh. Anyway, my arm hurts around the injection site, I’m feeling meh, but no stroke, and that was an ODD side-effect!

It’s been a helluva year with more trips to the ER, at least 2-3, brain surgery, and a whole lot of recovery! I’m alive, I’m here, and in Facebook Jail (again, imagine that) for 30 days (until Jan 11) because I stated that women were more vicious in response to someones statement that men were violent or something like that. Sigh. Anyway, I’m so glad I’m alive, there were times I didn’t think I would make it, I prepared for that possibility, but am so glad to have gotten out over 100 books this year, many of them in foreign languages. I have so many new followers in so many countries now. I even got out several books in English!

I do notice I’m a little slower than I used to be, but that’s okay, that’s part of the aging process. It’s frustrating sometimes, but I’m still alive, active, and working when I can concentrate!

Here’s to an even better 2023!