Fellow author Annette Mori has a new book out!

When Mila Thompson, a rookie police officer, discovers her mother is missing, she engages the assistance of San Diego’s number one detective, who is more than a little reluctant to enter the fray, noting she works in homicide, not missing persons.
Bernie doesn’t play well with others, which is why she doesn’t have a partner at work or in her personal life. When Mila approaches her, she tries hard to refuse the request, but Mila will not accept no for an answer. For reasons she does not understand, Bernie doesn’t want to say no to Mila, who can charm her way into anything, including smoothing the rough edges of Bernie’s crusty heart.
Things get complicated when the women in The Organization have an unusual tie to Mila’s mother. This sets up an action-packed adventure with twists and turns and a healthy dose of love. Find out the future of The Organization and whether an unlikely pair can find their way to love.

Purchase it here!

Meddlesome Malice on Audiobook

As she listens to the horrors that Alice and Sasha endured at the hands of their captors, Kathy realizes she has to know, she MUST know everything Alice has been up to.  She wants to understand what kept them apart these past years…beyond her own anger at what her wife is capable of.

As the gruesome details of Alice and Sasha’s story unfold, Kathy asks herself ‘Does this justify what they did and are doing to those people?  Does it explain their prolonged absence from their families?’

Follow along as Alice and Sasha go in for the kill!  Learn how they carefully plot their revenge against the people who took so much from their lives…and take just as much and more from them in return. 

Their lives, their victims’ lives, will never be the same!

Available here

Minacious Malice an Audiobook

As Alice continues with her tale of where she has been for the last couple of years, Kathy realizes the tally of deaths is adding up.  The same reasons that caused their separation are still there.  Can she forgive, much less forget, why they broke up in the first place?

Murder, planned murder especially, takes time.  Alice must feel ‘justified’ in who she targets.  She also must take into account that Sasha is not only a witness, but an accomplice to what Alice must do.  Sasha will be shocked as she realizes the depth of what Alice is capable of.  Sasha must learn to ‘appreciate’ Alice and her ‘skills’.

Follow along as Sasha and Alice begin the hunt for those who had imprisoned them….

Available here

Macerating Malice An Audiobook

Alice is ALIVE!

Where has she been?  What is the explanation for the missing months between her and her wife?

As Kathy listens she is horrified to realize what has happened to the woman she once called the love of her life…

How she survived begins to unfold as she describes the terrors that she has endured the last two years…

Available here

Marinating Malice An Audiobook

Kathy needs to move on but her thoughts seem to be keeping her in the past.  It is time though.  Her wife has been dead over eighteen months.  She has a girlfriend who would like to become her lover.  Is she ready to put the past behind her and move on?

Trust seems to be the issue, not on her part but on the part of Special Agent Linda Miller, is she ready to take the next step, clues to Kathy and her wife’s past seem to intrigue her a little too much, maybe it’s the cop in her.

Things seem to be conspiring to make Kathy crazy, is she really seeing the clues that point to what she thinks she is seeing?  Her friends keep telling her that she isn’t seeing what she thinks is there. Is it all in her mind?   Is it possible that her wife is still alive or is she only brimming with hope?  Her thoughts keep her prisoner…

Available Here

Macabre Malice (An Audiobook)

Framed for a crime she didn’t do, Kathy battles to retain her freedom from corrupt cops out to ‘get her.’  An unexpected bit of help comes from an Internal Affairs cop set on putting dirty cops away.  Certain that Kathy has been targeted by this unscrupulous group, Special Agent Linda Miller not only helps Kathy and Portia to prove her innocence, she finds herself attracted to Kathy.

Can feelings of gratitude and admiration turn to love for the widowed Kathy?  She can never reveal her full past to this cop who she finds herself attracted to.  Will Linda accept that there will always be some parts of Kathy’s life that she cannot know about or will her investigative skills get in the way of their happiness?

Constant reminders and comparisons to the woman she first loved make it hard for Kathy to commit herself fully to their budding romance.  How can she move on when the past keeps sending things forward to tell her that it isn’t done with her?
Available here

Sapphic Book Giveaway

It’s ‘Give Something Away Day. Take part to in giveaway. The stats are…

– 150+ sapphic book prizes (84 ebooks, 47 paperbacks, and 22 audiobooks)

– 90+ authors

– The giveaway starts now and runs until Monday morning German time, so basically Saturday & Sunday!

Jae’s Fiction

See if you can find my book!

Lied (An Audiobook)

She was angry.  She was fed up.  It was time to take justice to the justices and other politicians who weren’t doing their jobs, especially the ones who had lied to obtain their positions in our political system.  They’d forgotten that they were public officials and answerable to the American people.  

She wasn’t the only one who had thought to vote them out, but that wasn’t working anymore.  It was time to instill fear in those going into politics who had used their position of power in order to line their own pockets.

There had been a time where being a public official, going into politics, had been an honorable thing.  That time was past and there was no integrity in politics.  She was about to do what she felt was the honorable thing by removing these sycophants from the system.

While the events in this book may be similar to actual events, all characters are fictional and any resemblance to real people is purely intentional.

Available here

Dottorato (Italian for Doctored)

Una bambina brillante, sogna di diventare medico e chirurgo… e raggiunge i suoi obiettivi.  Purtroppo, la sua giovinezza e il suo viso rotondo e infantile le sono avversi.  Per quanto possa diventare abile e competente, la gerarchia medica della vecchia scuola, dominata dagli uomini, vuole tenerla al “suo posto”.

Deanna ha lavorato duramente per diventare un’esperta nel campo che ha scelto, ma pochi credono che questa “bambina” sia capace.   Specializzata in malattie infettive, viaggia per il mondo – dagli Stati Uniti all’Europa, al Sud America – e affina le sue capacità prima di finire in Africa, dove le sue competenze sono necessarie.

Incontrando un’infermiera, Madison MacGregor, scopre che condividono un’insaziabile curiosità e l’amore per l’aiuto agli altri, ma innamorarsi non era nelle sue intenzioni.  In seguito, quando perde Maddie a causa di un malinteso, è perseguitata da quello che le è sfuggito…

Sono passati dieci anni e sia il medico sia l’infermiera sono andate avanti con le loro vite, ma il destino interviene quando si ritrovano a lavorare nello stesso ospedale.  La loro amicizia si ravviva… può il loro amore riaccendersi?  Il passato le perseguiterà o le avvicinerà?  I segreti che entrambe nascondono impediranno loro di creare un futuro insieme?

Tutti i link qui sul mio sito web

Vetado Novamente (Portuguese for Vetted Again)

Allyssa Herriot e sua esposa Fiona estão enfrentando dores de crescimento neste casamento deles. Desde a prática de animais de grande porte que eles estabeleceram em seu rancho, até o resgate de cavalos, a família em crescimento… Adicione influências externas, como amigos, familiares e voluntários bem-intencionados, e essas coisas podem aumentar o estresse.

Tentar ganhar a vida no rancho remoto já é bastante difícil, mas nos dias de hoje, manter-se atualizado com as últimas tecnologias e ideias pode motivar alguns e impedir que outros se aventurem fora de seu confortável ninho.

Allyssa e Fiona superarão os problemas ou fracassarão não apenas em seu casamento, mas também nos negócios que estabeleceram juntas? Junte-se à saga contínua, um rancho, um resgate, uma prática veterinária próspera e suas vidas enquanto fazem malabarismos com as coisas que estão construindo para si e sua família.

Disponível aqui no meu site